15 semi-trailers in 5 years
Wiesbauer again receives two ES-GE ballast samitrailers
Wiesbauer GmbH & Co. KG is one of the leading full-service providers in the field of heavy-duty logistics in Germany. Industrial assembly and heavy-duty transport complement the main business, which includes crane services of almost any category and size. The used machinery includes Industrial cranes, trucks with loading cranes and huge crawler-type cranes – in short: everything that lifts and moves heavy loads. The traditional company with a history of 60 years is committed to strengthening its own position in the market through continuous investments and innovations. We are pleased that we have been working with our customer for many years and that we have been able to be part of the puzzle by delivering 15 vehicles in the past five years.

Large crane devices don’t work without ballast
In addition to the actual crane devices that do their work, the crane ballast is of course just as indispensable. For efficient project planning, it is not enough to just transport the crane from one site tot he other. A simple rule of thumb is important for the dispatchers: fewer trips, lower costs. With our ballast trailers we aim at this requirement profile: low weight and high payload – whether with two, three, four, five or even six axles.

Ballast trailer with 5 axles
The two ballast trailers delivered in a double pack offer Wiesbauer a theoretically possible payload of over 63,000 kg each. The vehicle type is designed for 3 or 4 axle truck-tractor units and offers a technically possible maximum 5th wheel load of 26,500 kg. Chassis, axles, electronics, steering and all other attachments together result in a ready-to-drive semi-trailer with a vehicle weight of less than 13,000 kg.
Extensive equipment
Four of the five axles are equipped with a steering. Between the two front tires a self steering axle does its work. The last three axles are mechanically steered. Axle 1 and axle 2 can be raised. A 28 mm thick hardwood floor with omega profiles covers the almost 12 m long loading area. To ensure that everything stays in place during transport, the ballast trailer offers more than 50 points for securing loads. Addtionally to that more than 40 post pockets are embedded in the loading area itself and in the outer frame. The overall package offers countless solutions for everyday requirements in the transport sector – not just for crane operators.
We wish Wiesbauer GmbH & Co. KG a lot of fun with the new vehicles and look forward to further cooperation.