“1,000 tons” for Scholpp
17 vehicles for their fleet
With currently almost 20,000 transport and assembly services per year, Scholpp is now looking back on a company history of 60 years. According to that, they expect their suppliers to work as conscientious as they expect it from themselves.

Trailers and Semi-trailers
In the past 12 months, we were able to handle a total order volume of 17 vehicles with Scholpp. The total range of delivered vehicles starts from the tandem trailer of our in-house brand ES-GE for light goods, goes over to ballast semitrailers from MAX Trailer and ends at the 7-axle semi-trailer with hydraulic suspension of the MultiMAX from Faymonville.

1,000 tons on 78 axles
With a total of 78 axles, distributed among the total of 17 vehicles, we have provided a theoretical total weight of approx. 1,000 tons for Scholpp’s vehicle fleet.

Tandem trailer
Our versatile tandem trailer is a slim solution for the transport of 20 ‘containers. Even over-wide containers (about 3,000 mm) can be transported by using the pull-out container locks.

Faymonville and MAX Trailer
Scholpp received six of MAX Trailer’s MAX 410 from MAX Trailer. The ballast semi-trailer is equipped with four steered axles. It is an ideal solution for the transport of crane parts or crane weights. From the TELEMAX series, we delivered three semi-trailers, all of which are equipped with a hydraulic forced steering system. They can be extended to a total length of approx. 19,000 mm. The most extraordinary semi-trailer of the entire package is the 7-axle Faymonville, of which Scholpp has picked up a total of three in Essen. The semi-trailer of the MULTIMAX series by Faymonville is extenable up to 8,500 mm (technically). It is equipped with a hydraulic suspension system and offers a payload of about 72,500 kg – enough for demanding transport.
Erfahrung auf beiden Seiten
Die gute Zusammenarbeit mit einem Unternehmen wie Scholpp ist eine Auszeichnung für unser eingespieltes Vertriebsteam. Unabhängig von der Größe und den Wünschen des jeweiligen Kunden versuchen wir, stets die besten Lösungen anzubieten. Wir freuen uns auf eine weiterhin gute Zusammenarbeit.
Experience on both sides
The good cooperation with a company like Scholpp is an honor for our experienced sales team. Regardless of the size and the wishes of each client, we always try to offer the best solutions. We look forward to a continued good cooperation.